STEL provides a telephony service using the VoIP protocol, this solution works via internet connection.
A Cisco branded VoIP router will be provided to operate the telephone line. Alternatively it will be possible to authenticate the telephone line by using its own device compatible with VOIP technology
This device will be provided on loan for use and already configured.
The device must be connected as follows:

Generally if a single telephone number is required (new or brought by another operator) the line on the PHONE1 port is enabled where it will be possible to connect an analog telephone.
The VOIP device must be connected to your router, switch, hub or access point using the BLUE port called internet (the WAN of the previous vignette).
In order to understand if the VoIP device is working properly, simply check the status of the LEDs located on the device:
this symbol indicates the power supply status;
this symbol indicates the presence of the internet signal;
this symbol indicates the operation of the telephone line